The Logosphere Hackathon #1

3280 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5
3280 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5

This campaign is over.

starts on:
Aug 28, 2023, 07:05 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Oct 30, 2023, 06:59 AM UTC (UTC)

Submission Guide

Submission Requirements:

  1. Short Written Description: Reiterate the core problem you're addressing and explain how your prototype offers a solution.

  2. Recorded Pitch (Refined from Stage 1 Proposal): Create a recorded video pitch, limited to under 6 minutes. Refine your presentation based on any feedback received in Stage 1.

  3. Pitch Deck: Include the refined pitch deck (PDF, PPT, KEY, or G Slides) with the following details:

    • Problem Statement: Restate the identified problem or topic.
    • Solution Pathway: Share insights into how your team conceptualized and designed the prototype.
    • Targeted Beneficiaries: Elaborate on the specific community members benefiting from your prototype.
    • User Feedback: Present any user feedback that confirms the value of your prototype.
    • MVP Challenges: Describe challenges faced during prototype development and your strategies to overcome them.
    • Risk Mitigation: Provide further details on addressing potential negative impacts.
    • Unintended Consequences: Discuss any new insights into unintended outcomes and your approach to addressing them.
    • Business Model: Present a basic outline of how your project can generate revenue, focusing on the prototype stage.
    • Team Composition: Reiterate the team's roles and expertise. Highlight any additional skills needed to advance from prototype to a working product.
  4. Video Demo of Working MVP: Showcase a video demo of your prototype in action.

  5. GitHub Repository: Share a link to your GitHub repository containing the prototype's code, documentation, and any other relevant assets.

Ensure that your submissions provide a comprehensive understanding of your project's idea and its prototyped solution, considering the outlined evaluation criteria.


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