The Logosphere Hackathon #1

3280 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5
3280 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5

This campaign is over.

starts on:
Aug 28, 2023, 07:05 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Oct 30, 2023, 06:59 AM UTC (UTC)


Build Web3 Dynamic NFT Projects On Cardano Blockchain

Logosphere provides an easy-to-use, flexible, open-source framework generating your application back-end, customized to your business domain from a Javascript model; allowing you to seamlessly deploy in “one-click” and have the power of an on-chain, decentralized, knowledge graph database at your fingertips.

Check the Resource Center for documentation and introductory videos

Logosphere is a flagship product of Ikigai Technologies Inc.


We're excited to unveil our collaboration with Maestro for this hackathon! The Maestro API is renowned within the Cardano community for its user-friendly interface, flexibility, and innovative features. Submissions that utilizing the Maestro API will receive extra points during the Completeness evaluation. Be sure to explore the Maestro API documentation for more details.


Dynamic NFT dApp

Dynamic NFT Project Examples

Bring your Web 2 use case into Web 3 by creating a dynamic NFT project.


  • Music dApp with Songs as NFTs
    • Update the number of listens, favorites, shares, number of appearances on top 100 billboards, and number of (positive/negative) reviews written.
  • Progression of Art
    • Progression of art as it's in progress
      • Example: early sketch → first painting → paint overs → draft → finalization
    • Capture reviews, feedback, likes, etc., that increase the value of the art.
Building Dynamic NFT Wallet


We have a server-based wallet to show NFTs on-chain and metadata from Fluree

  • Make it client based, similar to Nami
    • Sign Fluree and Cardano transactions
    • Display NFTs together with dynamic properties taken from Fluree DB
Web 3 Games Use Cases

Any game use case is valid!


  • Upgradable Items/character
    • Level
    • Strength
    • Score
  • Saves
    • As the progress of a single player/character which can be saved for later. Some games require some level of completeness to unlock, for example locations. Players sometimes download 100% complete profile to see what the location, weapon or character looks like then
    • As game restore mechanism - some time ago there was situation when someone infected World Of Warcraft in a way where players’ characters upgraded from a long time had been killed in the game with no possibility to restore them. If saves are stored on the blockchain, in similar situation the game could be restored by restoring player's public saves.

Prizes USD 10000 in prizes

Main Prizes
First Prize
USD 5000
Second Prize
USD 3000
Third Prize
USD 2000

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Please contact event admin
Krzysztof Szymanski’s at
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